Serve Him
In the World
Our church is a place where we seek to join God in His mission. We believe God is at work around the world, and we desire to be a part of seeing Him gloried and followed in the hearts and lives of all people (Habakkuk 2:14). It is essential to us, as a church, to be faithful and obedient to the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), and we believe that you will find a place here to follow the command of Jesus to GO.
Other key aspects of our mission endeavors are faithful prayer and giving to support work around the world. We encourage everyone to prayerfully consider serving on a short-term mission team. Who knows where God may take you! There are opportunities for everyone – no matter your God-given gifts and personality - there is a place for you to serve if you are willing to GO.
Short-term mission trip opportunities
Frankfurt, Germany
August 22-31, 2025
The current refugee crisis has presented a unique opportunity in Germany to proclaim the Gospel and disciple those who might not otherwise hear God’s redemptive story. Since we are unsure how long the current situation will last, we have an urgency to share Jesus’ love with those who desperately need to hear the peace and hope they can have through Him. Partnering with e3 Partners, you will engage refugees in many creative avenues such as sports, meals, and acts of service where you will build relationships as you minister to men, women, and children to share God’s love for them.
USA - Spark Ministries
Fall, 2025
This is a women-only trip.
We desire to see the glory of God spread in our nation! SPARK Ministry provides women living in long-term, faith-based recovery centers, a weekend retreat they will never forget. We offer residents a weekend filled with dynamic Bible Study, praise and worship, gifts of love and encouragement, meals, fun-filled outings, and lots of laughter. Throughout the weekend, relationships are built; walls begin to fall as these women experience Christ's love through the hands and hearts of volunteers. This women's trip is perfect for women of all ages and all experience levels in outreach.
November 3-8, 2025
This is a men-only trip.
Assist the Honduran Church in reaching the lost in their community and build a home for a family in Honduras in just one week! Giving one week of your life to serve will give a gift of a lifetime to a family in need. The home allows the Honduran church and our team opportunities to share the gospel and be a blessing in their community. This men’s trip is perfect for men (and fathers with sons) looking to serve the Kingdom of God Internationally.