It takes a community of people to make what happens at The Fields happen, and there are tons of ways to get involved. Don’t miss out on a second of the fun!

Team Chaplain
It’s important to us that The Fields feels like home for players, families, and visitors. Our Team Chaplains are warm, welcoming, and eager to turn strangers into friends. This role can include greeting, handing out water, chatting with parents, and, if comfortable, presenting the weekly devotion to teams.

Our leagues couldn’t happen without awesome coaches - but you don’t need years of experience or a room full of trophies. The ideal coach is interested in having a lot of fun and being an example of good character for players. There are opportunities to head coach, assistant coach, or co-coach.

What goes well with fun and friends? Food! Our concessions volunteers are friendly faces who love handing out an after-game snack. Some counting is required, but we’ve tried to keep it easy by making everything a dollar.

Facility Care
If your hobbies include riding a lawn mower, you’ll be a perfect fit. We need seasonal help to keep our fields looking great and ready for play.

League Operations
Smooth practices and answered questions are the goal in this role. This involves providing directions to players and families, answering basic questions, monitoring activities for any health issues, and setting up and tearing down equipment.
These were his instructions to them: ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. - Luke 10:2 (NIV)