Frequently Asked Questions

My child is a teenager; is it too late to start? 

No! Today is the best day to start investing in your child’s faith in God and spiritual walk.

Where do I start? 

Start right where you are! Begin with prayer—praying for and with your child daily makes faith conversations more natural. Check our resource page for Faith Talks and God Moments. We are here to help! 

I am a single parent; how can I do this by myself? 

You are not alone—God will equip you! Start small with prayer and simple faith conversations. Your love and consistency matter more than perfection. Trust God to guide you as you lead your child in faith. 

I am a grandparent or empty nester; isn’t my time as a Primary Faith Trainer done already? 

Your role is far from over! Your wisdom and love have a lasting impact. Grandparents and empty nesters provide guidance, prayer, and encouragement that shape faith for generations. Keep investing not only in your children and grandchildren but also in the families at The Fields. Your influence matters more than you know!